Ingrown Toenails

Jun 6, 2018

Ingrowing nails occur when the nail corner or sides of the nail grow or press into the surrounding skin. This condition can cause pain, redness, swelling and infection. The feet's warm, moist environment makes these nails particularly susceptible to infection, with the big toenail being most commonly affected.

Common Causes

Improper Trimming

Cutting the nails too short or cutting them down the corners encourages the flesh to grow over the nail.


Ingrowing nails can result from:

  • Direct trauma such as stubbing your toe or dropping a heavy object on it

  • Repeated trauma from sporting activities involving kicking or running


Footwear that is too tight or compresses the toes against each other has the propensity to cause ingrowing nails.

Nail Conditions

Nail conditions such as fungal nails can cause the nail to thicken and create increased pressure on the surrounding skin.

Treatment Options

Treatment varies depending on the severity of the ingrowing nail:

  • For mild cases, a podiatrist may treat conservatively by removing the offending nail spicule, smoothing rough edges, and reducing thickness

  • For more severe or chronic problems, surgical removal may be considered, which can usually be done in a clinic setting

  • The nail matrix may be destroyed by chemical means to prevent regrowth

  • If chemical destruction proves unsuccessful, a more invasive technique of nail removal can be performed under general anaesthetic in hospital

  • When the nail is very curved, a bony growth (exostosis) may be present on the phalanx bone beneath the nail, requiring surgical removal to resolve the curving and pressure issues

If you are experiencing ingrown toenail pain and problems, contact our Perth Podiatrists today for immediate treatment!

Find out more. You can call us on 9316 3010 or email at