5 reasons why you should consider the Foot Ankle Lower Limb Clinic for orthotics
Jan 22, 2018

Customised orthotics (also known as orthoses) are used to treat a variety of foot and leg problems, as well as being used to optimise function in the athlete.
1. Individualised Care
Custom orthotics are tailor made to fit your recovery or other goals, so whether you just want to be rid of pain, or are trying to improve in your sport, we can work with your individual needs.
2. Professional Assessment
We keep up with developments in the field, and have the best tools and techniques in order to assess your needs.
3. State of the Art Equipment
We use the latest equipment, like our Bodytech gait analysis treadmill. We also use optical scanners to obtain accurate models of your feet. We can assess your gait, muscle function, balance, posture and more.
4. Choice of Orthotic Design
Orthoses are not one size fits all. We use more than one orthotic laboratory, and this means we can produce a great variety of orthotic designs and materials to get the best solution.
5. Follow Up Care
We follow up all our orthotic patients in order to make sure everything is going as it should be. Sometimes we tweak them to get better results.
Often, orthotic therapy is part of a bigger treatment plan, and we may offer additional, adjunctive treatments to help get the best results. Examples include:
Stretching and exercise regimes
Trigger point therapy
Laser therapy
Our goal is to fix your current problems and work with you into the future to keep you at your best.
See us today for prompt, professional, customised orthotic care at the Foot Ankle Lower Limb Clinic.
Find out more. You can call us on 9316 3010 or email at hello@footanklelowerlimb.com.au