How To Look After Your Feet This Summer!
Jan 19, 2018

Now that the warmer weather has arrived it is important to remember your feet! Here are some tips for looking after your feet this summer.
Sunscreen Protection
Don't forget to apply sunscreen to your feet! They are often forgotten and can get burnt easily, including the soles of your feet and toes.
Dealing with Hard or Dry Skin
Looking after hard or dry skin can be challenging in the the warm weather, as the heat can really dry your skin out. To help prevent callus and cracks apply cream regularly and wear enclosed shoes when possible. Gentle exfoliation can also help, but works best if you do this regularly.
Wearing Thongs
Although they are convenient, wearing thongs can increase your risk of foot problems. Thongs don't normally have any support, they can be hard and flat. If worn for long periods of time you may experience arch and foot pain. It isn't all bad news... thongs ARE good for protecting your feet at the beach and pool.
Going Barefoot
Going barefoot in summer can feel great, but when outside the house you will be more prone to cuts and injury. Always wear protective shoes when outside, even when around the water as rocks and and sharp objects can be hiding.
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