Laser Treatment for Fungal Nail Infections
Jan 22, 2018

Laser Treatment for Fungal Nail Infections
Are you tired of having unattractive and discoloured nails caused by fungal nail infection? We are proud to announce that we now offer laser treatment for fungal nail infections at our Booragoon clinic using the Fox laser, manufactured by A.R.C. Laser. This powerful class 4 medical laser is currently the best option for treating fungal nail infections, with reported success rates above 70%.
How Does Fox Laser Treatment Work?
The laser light penetrates the nail and heats up the nail bed underneath. This:
Kills both the fungus and its spores
Stimulates white blood cell activity to attack the fungi
Helps the body cure the infection naturally
Treatment Process
Initial Assessment
Before treatment, we perform a thorough assessment of your suitability by evaluating:
Foot sensation
Medical history
Likelihood of successful treatment
Risk of recurrence
Treatment Session
Laser light is passed over your nail in a grid-like pattern
Multiple passes are made over each nail
Energy levels are customized based on nail size and other factors
Treatment is heat-sensitive but doesn't burn skin or nails
No special aftercare required
Normal activities can resume immediately
Treatment Duration
The number of treatments depends on infection severity, which we classify during your first consultation:
Typically 2 to 4 treatments required
Treatments spread over 2 to 3 months
Full nail improvement may take up to a year due to slow nail growth
Safe procedure
No anaesthesia required
No usual side effects
No visible change to nail or skin immediately after
Immediate return to normal activities
Can wear socks and shoes right away
Can apply nail polish
Our Comprehensive Approach
Fungal nail infections can be difficult to treat and may recur. We provide:
Tailored treatment programs
Pre-treatment preparation
Post-treatment care
Long-term management strategy
Focus on prevention of recurrence
Find out more. You can call us on 9316 3010 or email at