Swift Wart Therapy: Now Available At FALL
Aug 12, 2020

SWIFT Therapy: Advanced Wart Treatment
What is SWIFT Therapy?
New microwave technology treatment
Specifically targets warts (verrucae)
Highly effective treatment approach
Available at Foot Ankle Lower Limb clinic
Understanding Warts
Caused by Human Papillomavirus (HPV)
Contagious skin infection
Can spread across body
Traditionally challenging to treat
Often evades immune system
How SWIFT Works
Uses focused microwave signals
Penetrates to precise skin depth
Creates heat shock in infected cells
Triggers immune system response
Targets only affected tissue
Treatment Benefits
Quick treatment sessions
No dressing requirements
Minimal self-care between visits
Effective pain management
Reduced number of treatments
High success rate
Treatment Experience
Brief heating sensation (42-45 degrees)
Momentary discomfort
No burning or scarring
Temperature comparable to hot bath
Safe treatment process
Treatment Course
Usually 3 treatments or fewer
Individualised treatment plans
Assessment at initial consultation
Safe for most patients
Professional eligibility screening
Safety Information
Non-ionising radiation used
No DNA damage
Heat generated through water molecule vibration
Proven safety record
Suitable for most patients
Find out more. You can call us on 9316 3010 or email at hello@footanklelowerlimb.com.au